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Weeknotes for 2024-04-26

·431 words·3 mins
Weeknotes Personal Explorers Wanted Python Tv
Daniel Andrlik
Daniel Andrlik lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia. By day he manages product teams. The rest of the time he is a podcast host and producer, writer of speculative fiction, a rabid reader, and a programmer.

Can it be? Another weeknotes edition only a seven days after the last? Well it is, faithful reader. I’m proud of both of us.

This week in everything Daniel:

  • I’ve been fighting (and losing) the battle against the cold my daughter brought home from school. Most of this last week was a fog of congestion and tiredness. I’m bouncing back now, but my productivity meter has been pretty low.

  • Related to the previous item, I botched a deployment related to the backend service I use for the quote bot that lives in the EW Discord, resulting in some downtime. Or at least I think that’s what happened. It was difficult to determine what was going on in the machine. Something specific about the environment was causing the service to trigger OOM errors and being killed, despite having lots of unused resources. Eventually, I got frustrated and just migrated the whole thing to one of my existing Linode machines, where it happily consumes the same low memory that was expected of it without issue.1

  • Released version 0.2.4 of django-markov, which adds a setting that can set the state size for generated models.2

  • Released v0.4.2 of django-quotes, which removes some redundant fields, but replaces them with properties to maintain backwards compatibility.

  • Released episode 226 of Explorers Wanted, Editorial Meeting.

    Magpie and Ezri struggle with the things haunting them, while Ilsene engages in some important workplace collaboration.

    Watch on YouTube: Editorial Meeting (Episode 226 Teaser)
  • Responded to the FTC Solicitation for Public Comment to Understand Lack of Competition and Contracting Practices that May be Contributing to Drug Shortages. As with many of the respondents, I may not be able to comment in detail on the actual business practices involved, I still wanted to share the impact it has on those of us who often cannot fill their prescriptions, and must go without for apparently no reason. For some background, read this article on the frustrating lack of information about the root causes.3

  • Finished watching season one of Fallout, which I highly recommend.

  1. This was a good reminder of how much you can do with a single VPS vs a PaaS provider. For the record, I still quite like and will use them for other things, but in this case migrating was absolutely the best move. ↩︎

  2. State size is the number of words the probability of the next word depends on, and the default setting is 2↩︎

  3. It is worth noting that these shortages do not only impact Adderall, but it and other ADHD stimulant-based medications are the most prevalent and visibly impacted. ↩︎


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