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Coffee-stained dispatches from the Minister of Intrigue.


I Swear I Am Not Making This Up
·438 words·3 mins
Articles Culture Personal
Yet another fun thing in the bookstore is to reshelve and straighten the sexuality section. This is fun because you are guaranteed some good people watching as your presence makes the inevitable teenager or twenty-something in that aisle very uncomfortable.
On Good Sales Work
·380 words·2 mins
Articles Culture Personal
So I was working in the bookstore tonight, which I actually enjoy because it is really cool getting people to read cool books. Admittedly, it can be frustrating when you see some of the shite that passes for literature appearing on the best-seller list, but on the whole the work is rewarding.
·21 words·1 min
Articles Humor
I have recently rediscovered my love for StrongBad and Eric Conveys An Emotion. Check them out, you are guaranteed to laugh.
Another Look In The Mirror
·264 words·2 mins
I, as I have recently realized, am an arrogant fuck. I have always been to some degree been aware of this, but it always seemed easy to justify before. I am not pleased with this revelation about myself, especially as I have always had a certain impatience with people I perceive as condescending.
·57 words·1 min
Articles Personal
I am so excited because Autumn weather has finally arrived. This is my favorite time of year. I love watching the leaves turn and get blown in baby cyclones by the wind.
·200 words·1 min
I just had a lovely chat with one of my drivers. She is somewhat of a troublesome employee as she always seems to get into trouble, but magically squeaks by any serious repercussions most of the time.
Resistance Is … okay, whatever…
·129 words·1 min
Articles Games
So my friend Zach keeps trying to convince me to buy an XBox. Now, I am not much of a gamer. I mean, I used to play some strategy games on the computer ( or as I prefer to say, “strategery”), and I am quite fond of Go (I’m bad at it) and Diplomacy (somewhat better at), but I’ve never really had the knack for console games.
·193 words·1 min
Don't tell anyone, but I am writing this at work. I sat down, looked at the mammoth pile of paperwork on my desk, looked at my code and became numb with anti-productivity.
·343 words·2 mins
Articles Assorted Geekery Development Personal
Sometimes, it is better to leave things a mystery. Most people think they are dull. I just spent an hour trying to explain this project I am working on at my job.
Story Pt. 1
·214 words·2 mins
Articles Assorted Geekery Writing
My Inner Geek is alive and well. Last night my friend and I completely geeked out to the Star Wars DVD trilogy. It is the simple things in life you treasure.
·325 words·2 mins
Articles Personal
I got home late last night. I supplement my income by working as a bookseller at a major chain store on weekends. It works out pretty well. I get a discount my addiction (books), I get a little extra money to help with gas for commuting and I get to work around said “narcotic”.
·403 words·2 mins
Articles Personal
When I was younger I used to get these terrific nosebleeds. They came at random it seemed. One minute I would be fine, and another moment I would feel a slow warm drip along my upper lip and the thick copper taste I began to associate with Chance.
·385 words·2 mins
Articles Dream Personal
I came home from a trip. I can’t even remember where I had been. It must have seemed important at the time. As I climbed the steps outside of my apartment complex, I saw a small figure dash into my apartment.