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Social Media


Misinformation as a symptom
·294 words·2 mins
Quotes Sociology Social Media
Great piece from Manvir Singh in the New Yorker on how the causes and mechanics of misinformation are often misunderstood. In particular, it covers how the shared belief system that misinformation depends upon requires explicit participation by those that adopt it.


Quote: Erin Kissane on product design
·122 words·1 min
Quotes Product Management Social Media Fediverse Mastodon Bluesky
Erin Kissane has written an insightful post on Bluesky’s closed beta, and more importantly the response from the Mastodon community. In particular, the passage below had me violently nodding in agreement.


Quoting Nilay Patel: Welcome to Hell, Elon
·158 words·1 min
Quotes Social Media Twitter Tech
The whole article is 🔥 and well worth a read, but this part of the conclusion hits the crux of Musk’s new dillema. The essential truth of every social network is that the product is content moderation, and everyone hates the people who decide how content moderation works.


Merlin Mann on a better media diet
·54 words·1 min
Quotes Social Media Politics
Politics, celebrity gossip, business headlines, tech punditry, odd news, and user-generated content. These are the chew toys that have made me sad and tired and cynical. — Merlin Mann, Better
Riding the Mastodon
·1688 words·8 mins
Articles Personal Social Media Twitter Mastodon Open Source
Reader, I did it again. I joined another social network. I know, I know. I should know better, right? But this time feels different. There’s something special about this one. Maybe it’s simply the contrast from Facebook and Twitter that makes it so appealing, but I can’t help but feel there is great promise in Mastodon.


If Your Website's Full of Assholes, It's Your Fault
·163 words·1 min
Articles Social Media Culture Mra Gamergate Twitter Facebook
This old post from Anil Dash has been making the rounds again this week, and for good reason. As it turns out, we have a way to prevent gangs of humans from acting like savage packs of animals.


Quote: Matt Mullenweg on Blogging Without Distraction
·115 words·1 min
Quotes Writing Social Media
The antidote I’ve found for this is to write for only two people. First, write for yourself, both your present self whose thinking will be clarified by distilling an idea through writing and editing, and your future self who will be able to look back on these words and be reminded of the context in which they were written.


Quote: Chuck Wendig on Personal Brands
·201 words·1 min
Quotes Writing Marketing Social Media
You are not a brand. You are a human being. Writing is your craft. Story is your art. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: who wants to read a story by a brand?


Avoiding Getting Caught Up In Other People's Bullshit
·638 words·3 mins
Articles Social Media Personal
One downside about social media is that it’s easier to get caught up in other people’s drama just from tangential contact. In most cases, it’s just the narcissism of small differences at work, and it isn’t worth your time and energy to get upset about it.


Quick Post: Pownce API 2.0 Now Available
·161 words·1 min
Articles Api Assorted Geekery Pownce Programming Social Media Social Networking Tech
In case you missed it, Pownce announced the release of the second revision of its public API today. The new API is much more elaborate than the previous version (which was honestly kind of a joke), and promises to be robust enough that interested parties could use it to rewrite the Pownce desktop app from scratch without losing any functionality.